Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Training Advice for Punters - Hands

Every good punter has good hands. Every great punter has great hands.

There are no shortcuts when you talk about improvement in ball handling. More time you spend practicing catching the ball and "molding it" better your hands will become. Molding the ball means catching the snap and quickly getting the ball to your drop table with football laces up and ball parallel to the ground with the correct inward tilt.

It is absolutely pointless to train hard in the weight room for the entire off season if you don't also work on your ball handling.

Have someone toss you a football underhand 25 to 50 times a day. Who? It can be your dad, teammate, brother, girlfriend, etc.

In high school, you will have about 1.1 seconds to catch the ball and kick it. Does it matter how good your mechanics are and how strong your leg is if you can't efficiently catch the ball and get it to your foot?

Tip: Catch the ball with your arms extended (elbows extended but not locked). Squeeze with fingertips.

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