Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still Got It - It is 99% mechanics

This post is somewhat personal in nature.

As a 31-year old retired NFL punter/kicker, I still love to get out there and kick few times a week. I have noticed that some of the power is gone. I attributed that to losing some muscle mass over the years. Especially since I have done almost no lifting in last 2 years.

This past Sunday, I was punting with Zoltan Mesko, University of Michigan's punter. It was a respectable day for me - pretty consistent with most punts with hang times in 4.6. to 4.8 second range. And then I hit a punt that hung in the air for 5.4 seconds. To say that I surprised myself would be an understatement. Zoltan was pretty shocked as well. For some of you who are not familiar with what that means, at least 1/2 of current NFL punters have never hit a 5.4 second hang time.

Somehow, it all came together for that one kick.

Everyone has that one kick that they will always remember. It is that one kick that gives us a glimpse of what is possible; what is within us if we trained more and expected more. It is what hooks you in. It is what makes you say, "I can kick in college" or , "I can kick in the NFL" or "I will be an All American".

I have nothing to train for any more. I am done with competitive sports. But I am so excited to get out to the field and into the weight room this week. Maybe if I trained more, I can get the 5.4 second hang times more often.

Yeah, I am still totally hooked.

Filip Filipovic

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

College Kicking Camps

If you are a class of 2010 kicker or a punter, you should be hitting the road with a GPS and a pair of cleats.

College kicking camps are the best way to showcase your abilities and start a relationship with the coaching staff. Kicking well in person makes a stronger impression than any DVD.

Look on the schools' football pages for the dates of their summer camps. Find out if they will have camp for specialists. Then show up and kick the lights out. They may just offer you a scholarship on the spot if you are impressive enough.

Filip Filipovic

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Kicking Coach to host Northwestern University Specialist Camp

Coach Filipovic and a few members of his staff will host Northwestern University Specialist Camp that will take place on Saturday June 6th at their football practice facility. Camp will be attended by the Northwestern Universities' coaching staff who will be evaluating talent. Cost is $85.

For more information CLICK HERE FOR CAMP PAGE.